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Healthy Tips To Improve Your Health

Healthy Tips To Improve Your Health

Now is an era where living a long and healthy life has become a hot topic rather than simply living longer. Also CheckOut: Dr Vikas Kathuria Best Hemodialysis Doctor Panipat Best Neurologist In Gurgaon Brain Hemorrhage Clinic in Gurgaon Deep brain Stimulation Clinic in Gurgaon Exercise over Diet Exercising rather than dieting helps to improve…

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Hospital Management

The Concept of Hospital Management System and How is it worth it!

The desire for convenient medical services has risen in recent years. More software systems and tools are developing in medical facilities as a result of the industry’s growing digitization. The goal of software solutions is to automate everyday operations, handle invoices, documentation, and inventories, and relieve physicians of stress. The hospital management software system is…

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Everything You Need To Know About Dysthymia

Dysthymia, or persistent depressive disorder, is a mood disorder that is characterised by long-term, chronic symptoms of depression. A person who has dysthymia may feel mostly hopeless and sad for most of the day, on most days, for at least two years. Dysthymia can also cause significant problems in a person’s life, including difficulty working,…

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medical card

What are the rules regarding confidentiality and transmission of drug test results?

In general, as with any medical information about an employee, drug test results must be kept confidential. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), “If drug testing reveals that you have a legally prescribed drug or other medical information, you must treat that information  as a confidential medical record.” It is recommended that all…

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breast reduction

Benefits of breast diminishing at kyraclinic in Ludhiana

Breast reduction surgery-Boon for women Introduction A diminishing breast can provide enough benefits to those women, who want precise, more proportional breasts. There are countless reasons, why women with large breasts should go for breasts reduction surgery and other cosmetic procedures from medical to lifestyle. Although the breast reduction surgery in which the primary focus…

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